Tour Hassan

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Hassan Tower is a minaret of a mosque unfinished twelfth century, situated flap capital of Morocco, it was built in the late twelfth century by Sultan Yaqoub el Mansour (1184-1199).

The construction of this mosque started in 1196 under the initiative of the Almohad Sultan Abu Yusuf Yaqub al-Mansur (1184-1199), grand-son of Abd al-Mu'min, founder of the imperial city of Rabat in 1150,bounnit Sultan al-Mansur wanted to make Rabat the capital of his empire in the twelfth century, extended from Tripoli (Libya) in Castile (Spain). However, the work bounnit was abandoned just after the death of the sultan in 1199. The tower was to peak at more than 60 m, but only reached 44.3 m. In 1755, the earthquake of Lisbon touched Rabat and  bounnit completely destroyed the colonnades of the esplanade. The space of the Tour Hassan has been restored from the sixties of the twentieth century, during the construction of the Alawite mausoleum on part of its esplanade. Originally the minaret was built to accommodate up to 40,000 people. His style is a masterpiece of traditional Moroccan art.bounnit

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